
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Time flies...

Time flies. An academic year seems to start slowly but sprint towards the end. Its been the same feeling since school, how did the time fly so fast! But yes, time flies. Another academic year has come to an end in my life. My MBA is now 50% complete and as every body has said the toughest part is over, but I keep hearing the other version also "In front there is crocodile festival". I am now all set for internship in Kutch, Gujarat. Supposedly it has one of the worst climates in India, but I am looking forward to the experience of living in a new state, my 6th already!

From the midnight induction in June to the final exams today, its been the most exciting part of my life. The experience here itself here is a great learning. I always heard about "learning from peers" and felt how weird the phrase sounds. But it makes sense when we have people from 10 years of experience to freshers, Computer science to Journalism, and needless to say, people from all around the country. People here do not need a reason to party. Any small group here kicks off with a party and then ends with a party. Section parties, hostel parties and many more.

I remember one of my friend saying that the life here makes us a robot. May be its true, I now do not really worry even if I have 3 quizzes, 2 project submissions and 4 hours of classes on the same day. Life here made me so hardworking that people here do not realize that we are working hard!

This place also tests our patience, best of strengths and weaknesses. Competition is one thing, which is omnipresent even when n^n events are happening all around the year. Life here also teaches to support others, share, team work. I feel that I realized my greatest strength and also my weakness through all these.

CG and CV are the most heard and most ran after words on campus. CG is the CGPA for the academic courses and CV is our curriculum vitae for all placement related activities. Believe it or not, we put in around 50 hours of effort in making our CVs.

Events. There are n^n competitions on campus and off campus for students to participate. Now that every company wants to steal the fresh ideas for free, there are many corporate events also. I found them the best learning experiences. Then of course the entertainment events. From cult nights to rock shows, everything is indigenous. The screening of cricket and football world cups brought out the crazy fans in us. It also showed why sports are called a unifying factor.

I was in section B, famous as the maggu section. It was a little nostalgic as the it was the last day for the section, after all the fun we had in one year. I cannot forget my expereinces of sitting between the most attentive girl of the class and the most regular sleeper. My first year ended with a bang with India winning the world cup. Amidst roars, 200 crazy fans, one IIM L mess, screening on large screen, sounds of banging glasses tables... what an experience it was. Now, I feel that this was one of the chillest parts of my life..!


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