
Friday, March 18, 2011

Shit happens...

Shit happens... "A fictitious explanation of the origin of this phrase occurs in the 1994 film Forrest Gump. During his capricious run, a bumper sticker salesman running alongside him points out to Forrest that he has just stepped in a pile of dog feces. When Forrest replies, "It happens", the man replies, "What, shit?", to which Forrest replies, "Sometimes". The man is then inspired to create the "Shit Happens" bumper sticker. - Wikipedia". On the last weekend, we three friends - Amit, Bharadwaz and I, set out on an adventure, though at start we never knew it was going to be one, when we really found out how true the phrase can be.

5PM, 12th March 2011. Tendulkar was blazing away in the match against South Africa. We were in our rooms, excitedly packing our stuff as we had our train scheduled at 7.30PM. The auto has come on time and we as a bunch of over punctual guys, started at 5.45PM. We reached Lucknow railway station at exactly 6.45PM, 45 minutes before the scheduled departure of the train. The moods were high with Bharadwaz constantly pulling the leg of Amit and I was enjoying the moment. Here is the first shock. The train is delayed by 2 hours, i.e. 9.30PM. Luckily, the station hotel had an amazing restaurant and we had a decent dinner there whiling away time. We slowly came out at 9 and the second shock, our Farakka express postponed to 11.30PM. As were still in the dilemma of what to do, the chart changed to 12.30PM. The last thing we wanted was the tran reaching Delhi late and we stuck in the middle of no where. We got our flight tickets booked and there was some strange joy amidst the apathy and our confidence of winning shot up. We came back to the campus, sat in my room for a quick meeting and finished all the last minute changes. Travel in Business suits - Direct flight to Delhi - Winning - Kick some a** ; the thoughts going on in our minds then. We were looking forward to the final round of the competition, for which we have put in so much effort and felt that no body can stop us winning.

Feb 19th, 2011; The competition. Bharadwaz and I set out to Agra. It was my third time and enjoyed the city as always. The Taj was as beautiful as ever and cannot forget Bharadwaz's amazing stunts with the photographer. Amit, already in town, joined us on the evening and we three started to Jaipur. The research we planned had gone so smoothly and quiet contended we returned to Lucknow. The travel was a typical teenage boys way, bus at the last moment, dinner at dhabas, road side biryani etc. Enjoyed every moment though. The bigger effort started in Lucknow to compile the report and the deadline was 1st March. We shared work, took turns, did what ever, but complied a solid report and we were so content and satisfied with our work. As expected we blazed into the final round and no stopping what so ever. The efforts did not stop. We compiled a beautiful presentation for the final round, amidst classes, quizzes, assignment etc. and hence were all set for the finals on 13th March 2011, in Delhi.

March 13th, 2011; The D day. The morning flight to Delhi was pleasant and we reached the venue by 12. The news came that our return train was cancelled. we never cared, booked the next days flight to Lucknow. We had some last minute preparations and we were all set for the event to start. We were the first team to present and we made full use of it. The presentation from the beginning to the end was exciting and the Q&A part was fantastic. We did it. Our presentation really reflected all the hard work for the last one month. We were happy and confident. The other teams presented. We asked a few interesting questions and our confidence even increased. After 4 hours of start, the presentations ended and the judges went out for discussion. I hate this moment. This was my fourth event in a row and still a strange nervousness takes over. The judges finally came. And there it was. Our name was announced among the consolation prizes. This was the biggest shock. We were really disappointed. This was real disappointment. We were angry, disappointed, shocked. I tried to keep my calm but felt really low. It wasn't really about winning or loosing, it was all about expectations and in this case they were justified by the amount of effort, our solid presentation etc. I felt that the impact on the judges was not long enough as ours was the first presentation on that day. I always think and also preach that life is not all about winning but they all did not matter.

14th March, 2011. We got to sleep only for a few hours as we had our flight back to Lucknow early in the morning. We were tired and exhausted but life does not stop. We were back at our campus by 7AM and as usual - classes, assignments, quizzes...

Overall, we had quite an experience. We now know how important is small things like checking whether the train is on time or not before leaving to the station, flights are always better and above all how to win the next time. I remember the words of our HR Prof, last term - "Kyu daru zindagi se kya hoga... kuch nahi hoga tho tajurbha hoga...".


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